Innovation through design and people
The idea of a design-driven innovation approach is not new.
It’s merely an articulation of an iteratively developed perspective on delivering value to organisations through design and consulting.
Resonant’s design-driven innovation approach is focused on the following key guiding principles:
Challenge focused
Inspiring experiences
1. Business-led
Consultants, designers and technologists need to be business savvy to be successful these days. Effective design solutions must first resonate with what a business needs or aspires to. Defining the business drivers, goals and success criteria helps to contextualise any project.
2. User-centred
Many organisations advocate the value of being user-centred without understanding what that really means. Jason's experience has taught him, his clients and his colleagues the ways in which the rhetoric of user-centredness can be translated to truly insight-driven solutions that have been proven to effectively connect with real people.
3. Technology-empowering
Technological developments have the capability to advance humanity, but only if that technology is empowered through appropriate application. User insight, robust strategies, and well executed design empower technology.
4. Challenge focused
Many talk around disruption, but are unwilling to rattle the cages within an organisation. The best work comes out of challenging organisations to focus. To find all the elephants in the room and confront them.
5. Inspiring experiences
Design has the ability to bring to life ideas so that people can experience them before they are manufactured in China or developed in a bedroom. It is through early exposure to solutions that we can learn how to create magical futures that inspire the future experiences of tomorrow.